Saturday, April 24, 2010

A glimpse of our DVAudit – what goes on @CVC’s TDG

Many have asked us the following:

  • Is CVC a training company? I see:
  • Do you work on “live” projects?
  • What is your TDG really doing?

and more. Usually these questions are more from students/RCGs (Recent College Graduates) than the experienced lot – as the experienced lot is well networked with CVC founders (, and can hence know about us well.

Our honest answer to such questions is “all of the above” :-) That’s YES, we ARE proud to be a training company – simply b’cos we know why we are doing that. We work on “live” projects – we constantly upgrade to next generation technology, the most recent being the SystemVerilog VMM/OVM, Low power etc.

What makes us really different and keeps us constantly innovating is the thirst for “doing better”. This is the core of our PDG – Product Division Group (yet to be formally announced on our website), we look for ways to enhance the productivity. For instance when there is a customer deliverable for a Verification code, “Team CVC” spends quality time together to do thorough reviews, code walk through, custom lints etc. Here is our latest, weekend edition on un-moderated, live-from-the board glimpse of our DVAudit review done on a customer deliverable.



For the experienced lot reading this entry (BTW, thanks for getting so far :-)), this is such a common part of your tech-life. For those uninitiated, this is how industry works - “writing piece of code” is just A part – there is lot more to it in making it customer ready/production ready.

Now what’s innovative about the above “glimpse” – if you read it carefully you can observe that we are creating a thorough check-list of “executable” process for Design-Verification Audit. It is something CVC has been doing it for its corporate customers behind the scene for many years. Now it is slowly taking shape as part of our PDG – stay tuned for more..